6 The Unitarian Universalist Association
What world-wide goals and values does the Unitarian Universalist Association promote in its Statement of Purpose and Principles?
- Every person is worthy and should be treated with dignity.
- People should treat each other with justice, equality and compassion.
- We should accept the differences that tend to separate us.
- Everyone should have the freedom and responsibility to search for the truth.
- We should strive to use democratic processes both within UU congregations and the world at large.
- We should work for peace, liberty and justice for everyone.
- We should acknowledge and respect how interdependent every one of us is.
Where are the headquarters of the UUA?
The Association's headquarters are at 25 Beacon Street in Boston. We elect a full-time president every four years who manages the organization and represents it in the religious and secular world. Each June, delegates from congregations throughout the nation meet in a five-day General Assembly to hear reports, elect officers and take positions on public issues.
There are approximately 1,025 congregations in North America (and a few in other parts of the world) who are affiliated with the UUA. Compared to most mainline Protestant denominations, we are quite small. However, we have enjoyed a slow but steady growth since the late 1970s.
How is the president of the UUA selected?
Every four years at the UU General Assembly, the delegates and recognized proxies elect a president, who probably began campaigning 18 months earlier for the full-time office. If eligible for reelection, the president usually runs unopposed for one additional four-year term.
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